Friday, March 20, 2009

Check list maximum RCM09 productivity and happiness

___Send Postcard home as soon as you arrive

___Advise Conference Organizers about special meal requirements

___Choose Pre Conference Workshops

___Map your learning sessions for maximum impact

____Make time for social networking opportunities

___Meet at least 2 new people each day

___Eat breakfast and lunch with a different group each day and introduce yourself

___ Join Twitter and follow RCM09

___ Join the Association for Maintenance Professionals and join the RCM09 group (

___ Establish at least three goals for the event

___Ask event organizers specific questions about sessions

___Post questions for speakers at Twitter and

___Ask your managers to set a goal for you

___Read a book on the subject prior to attending

___Ask a question in each session

___Introduce yourself to an author who’s book you have read

___Prioritize Expo meetings with solution providers – email them or Tweet in advance to request time

___Learn the process to submit a paper for future events

___Sit for professional certification exams

___Document your participation

___Write a report about the event and your learning

___Participate in roundtable discussions

___Provide candid event feedback on survey forms

___Prepare for Change Resistance upon your return

___Follow up with people you met via email, Twitter and

___Buy wife/husband flowers at home airport

___Buys kids presents

Other ideas?

Tweet them and use #RCM09 to mark them so our search engine finds them

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